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How to Spend 3 Days in Ilha Grande: See one of the best beaches in Brazil

Updated: Jul 30

Nestled off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Ilha Grande is a paradise for nature lovers, hikers, and those who just need a good beach vacation. This stunning island offers crystal-clear waters, lush rainforests, and a laid-back atmosphere that's perfect for a short getaway. Ferries to Ilha Grande depart from Angra dos Reis or Mangaratiba, taking you directly to Vila do Abraão, the main village on the island (how to get there). The journey itself offers stunning views of the coastline and the surrounding islands.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to spend an amazing three days in Ilha Grande, including visiting some of the best beaches in Brazil.

Day 1: Hike to Lopes Mendes Beach, one of the best beaches in Brazil

Lopes Mendes Beach one of the Best Brazil Beaches

Morning: Arrive, Check-In, and Explore Vila do Abraão Begin your adventure by taking a ferry to Vila do Abraão. Once you arrive, check into your accommodation. Whether you prefer a cozy guesthouse or a beachfront pousada, there are plenty of options to suit your taste. Spend the rest of the morning exploring Vila do Abraão. This charming village has a relaxed vibe with colorful shops, restaurants, and cafes. Wander through the streets, visit the local market, and perhaps grab a refreshing açai bowl or a cup of Brazilian coffee.

Afternoon: Hike to Lopes Mendes Beach Start your afternoon by hiking to one of Ilha Grande’s most famous beaches – Lopes Mendes. This beach is renowned for its powdery white sand and crystal-clear waters, perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and surfing.

Begin your 3 hour hike by walking to the east end of Praia do Abraão and look for the little trail heading up a slight hill towards Praia da Julia. Make sure to turn right before you reach Praia da Julia. The first section of the hike takes you to Enseada das Palmas, an hour-long walk with a challenging first 30 minutes uphill. Enseada das Palmas has a few restaurants where you can rest and refuel. From there, continue walking to Praia de Mangues, which is about 30 minutes away. A further 5-minute walk will bring you to Praia do Pouso, the biggest hub before Lopes Mendes. From Praia do Pouso, it's a short walk to Lopes Mendes. After enjoying Lopes Mendes, take a taxi boat back from Pouso to Vila do Abraão.

Evening: Dinner in Vila do Abraão Return to Vila do Abraão and enjoy a delicious dinner at one of the local restaurants. Try some fresh seafood dishes, such as grilled fish or shrimp moqueca, accompanied by a caipirinha, Brazil’s famous cocktail.

Day 2: Hike to Pico do Papagaio, then relax at Praia Preta

View from Pico do Papagaio, Ilha Grande

Morning: Hike to Pico do Papagaio Start your second day with an early morning hike to Pico do Papagaio (Parrot’s Peak). Note that you cannot enter the park without a guide between 5 am and 7 am. This challenging hike takes about 5-6 hours round trip (approximately 3 hours up and 2 hours down, depending on your speed and stops), but the panoramic views from the summit are absolutely worth it. You'll be treated to breathtaking vistas of the island and the surrounding ocean. Make sure to wear sturdy shoes, bring plenty of water, and start early to avoid the midday heat.

Afternoon: Relax and Swim at Praia Preta After your hike, relax at Praia Preta, a black-sand beach located just a short walk from Vila do Abraão. This is an ideal spot to unwind, swim, and soak up the sun. Stay at Praia Preta to enjoy the sunset. The stunning view of the sun casting a golden glow over the black sand is a perfect end to an adventurous day.

Nightlife in Vila do Abraão If you’re up for some nightlife, Vila do Abraão offers several bars and live music venues. Enjoy a laid-back evening with some live samba or forró music.

Day 3: Island Hopping and Snorkeling

Turtle at Ilha Grande, a Brazilian island

Morning: Boat Tour Around the Island On your final day, take a boat tour to explore some of the other beautiful spots around Ilha Grande. Many tours offer stops at places like Lagoa Azul (Blue Lagoon), Lagoa Verde (Green Lagoon), and Saco do Céu (Sky’s Bay). These tours typically include snorkeling opportunities, allowing you to see the vibrant marine life up close.

Afternoon: Refresh at Cachoeira da Feiticeira After your boat tour, cool off at Cachoeira da Feiticeira, a beautiful waterfall located about a 1.5-hour hike from Vila do Abraão. You can reach the waterfall by walking along the T1 trail from Vila do Abraão and starting the T2 trail under the aqueduct. After crossing the ridge, you'll be in the lands of Enseada das Estrelas. A steep descent will take you to the banks of the Iguaçu River, where the waterfall is hidden just a bit further up. Alternatively, you can take a taxi-boat from Abraão to Praia da Feiticeira or Praia do Iguaçú and then hike the T2 trail towards Abraão. Another option is to hike from Saco do Céu along the T2 trail.

Evening: Stargazing on the Beach Return to Vila do Abraão for a farewell dinner. Choose a restaurant with a view of the ocean and savor your last evening on the island. Then, end your trip with a quiet evening of stargazing on the beach. The lack of urban light pollution on Ilha Grande makes for an incredible view of the night sky. Lay back on the sand and enjoy the stars as they twinkle overhead. Reflect on your adventures and soak in the island’s tranquil ambiance one last time.

Tips for Your Trip

  • Pack Light: Ilha Grande has no cars, so you'll be walking or taking boats everywhere. Pack light and bring comfortable walking shoes.

  • Protect Against Mosquitoes: Ilha Grande is a lush tropical island and rainforest. You will need to bring plenty of insect repellent to protect against mosquitoes, especially in the evenings and while hiking.

  • Stay Hydrated: The hikes and outdoor activities can be strenuous in Ilha Grande's humid tropical climate. Bring a refillable water bottle to save plastic, and always carry enough water and stay hydrated.

  • Respect Nature: Ilha Grande is an ecological paradise. Respect the local environment by not littering and following the Leave No Trace principles.

With its stunning beaches, lush forests, and abundant marine life, Ilha Grande is the perfect destination for a short and unforgettable escape. Whether you’re hiking to breathtaking viewpoints, snorkeling in clear waters, or simply relaxing on the beach, your three days in Ilha Grande will be filled with adventure.

Click here to see the full Ilha Grande Travel Guide.


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