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Packing for Brazil requires more than just the basics—you’ll want to be prepared for its tropical climate, outdoor activities, a lot of noise, and long bus rides.
I hope I don't need to remind you to pack your toothbrush and undies - this list just covers the items you’ll need specifically for Brazil, from the right clothing for the heat and humidity to must-have items for the beach, rainforest, and cities. Whether you're heading to Rio or the Amazon, these packing tips will help you travel comfortably - and minimise your change of standing out as a gringo. Plus, skip to the end to find out what not to pack.

So, what am I forgetting to pack? See the packing check-list for Brazil below
Ready to pack? Check off the items below once you've packed them. Plus, don't forget to book your accommodation and bus tickets ahead of time if you're travelling in the high season.
Things you should pack for any trip to Brazil:

Power adaptor - check out my guide to find out which travel adaptor you need for Brazil or buy a universal power adaptor.
Wise Debit Card - I personally use the Wise Debit Card for my travel in Brazil, both for card payments and to withdraw money from the ATM. The card has no international purchase fees, offers great better exchange rates, and allows you to make free or cheap ATM withdrawals. You can add the card to your Google or Apple Pay for more security.
Kindle - Like many I was a little apprehensive at first, but a Kindle is an absolute game changer, especially if you want to carry enough books to last through Brazil's very long bus rides or days at the beach (get one).
Mosquito repellant - no matter where you're going in Brazil, make sure to carry mosquito repellant. Yes, even in the cities. I personally use OFF brand as it works for several hours, and has a more pleasant smell than some others. I travel with the large one to put on before leaving the house, and a travel sized to carry around with me during the day.
Things you'll need for packing:
Backpack - it's a little bit funny watching someone lug a suitcase across a sandy beach or down a cobblestone road. Unless you're really planning a very luxurious getaway, if you're able to carry a backpack this is by far the most convenient way to travel Brazil. You'll likely be getting on and off busses, boats, and walking down unpaved roads or beaches to get to your accommodation. I love using packing cubes to keep my backpack organised.
Fanny pack - ideal for travel in the city, and for going to Carnaval or big parties, where you need to take a little more care with your security. I recommend this anti-theft fanny pack that has lockable zippers and cannot be cut. Alternatively, for Carnaval and major festivals like Lollapalooza you might want to get a hidden money belt to wear under your clothes for your phone and cash.
Padlocks - keep your belongings secure by locking shut your suitcase or backpack. Plus, while many hostels in Brazil provide a locker, they often do not provide the padlock. I recommend buying a combination lock so there is no risk of you losing the key.
Hanging toiletries bag - a toiletries bag that you can hang up in the shower is a game changer, in a country that too often lack hooks or good shelving in the bathroom (get one). Fill it with some travel sized toiletries and you're good to go. Or, of you prefer to bring your own toiletries from home, I love using these small travel-sized bottles that you can fill with your own products.
Things to pack for a good night's sleep:
Wax earplugs - trust me, a good pair of earplugs will change your life. They are not only good for sleeping in dorms, but also for sleeping on planes and overnight busses, and sleeping through loud music (I'm sorry to say this will definitely happen to you in Brazil). Wax earplugs work better than foam, and are more comfortable, and I will never travel without them again (get some).
Insulated water bottle -save plastic, as well as saving money refilling your bottle. Free drinking water is readily available in Brazil, including in places like bus stations and airports, and outdoors in public parks. Most accommodations have a water filter. Throw some ice in to keep yourself cool all day in the hot Brazilian sun. This one is my pick, and it comes in a variety of colours and sizes.
Eye-mask - don't get woken up by the night bus lights turning on at every. single. stop. (get one)
Inflatable travel pillow - use to sleep on the plane and overnight bus. An inflatable one folds down so small you don't even know you're carrying it (get one).
Travel blanket - trust me, the bus AC can be absolutely freezing, as can hostel rooms despite not providing a blanket (get one).
Things to pack for a great day at the beach:

Sunscreen & a good face sunscreen - the Brazilian sun is STRONG! Make sure to bring a good sunscreen every day, I like Nivea because it feels less greasy than other (affordable) brands. I prefer to use a lighter sunscreen on my face, and use La Roche-Posay on my face every day.
Hat - self explanatory. It's best to wear a simple cap, or you'll stand out like a gringo
Sunglasses - honestly, this one is a personal choice! Just make sure to get glasses with UV protection so they don't do more harm than good (get some).
Canga - Brazilians DO NOT take a towel to the beach, in fact, it's a bit of a social faux-pas. Instead, the bring a canga, a type of light-weight sarong to sit on and wear (get one).
Brazilian Bikini - another faux-pas is to wear a western-style bikini with modest bottoms. Brazilians call these a "diaper" and if you want to blend in with the locals, you really don't want to be caught wearing one (get one).
Havaianas - the Brazilian shoe of choice. Grab some for your trip, or even better, buy a new pair in Brazil as a souvenir from your trip. They're cheaper in Brazil and have more colours and patterns.
Snorkel - traveling with a snorkel is great, as it allows you to jump in and snorkel at any beach you visit. If you're someone who loves the water you'll save money in the long run not by not renting snorkel, and can take a peak underwater even at places that don't have a snorkel rental available (get one).
Recommended for visiting Paraty, Ilha Grande, Ilhabela, Natal.
Things to pack for hiking & the outdoors:
Electrolytes - Brazil is hot and you're going to sweat, a lot. Bring some good sports electrolytes to help stay hydrated, I like Nuun Sport Electrolyte Tablets.
Poncho - if you're planning to hang out in cities, most people will just duck under a beach umbrella or inside a cafe to await out any passing rain. But if you're stuck outdoors, a poncho or a rain jacket can be a good idea (get one).
Recommended for visiting the Pantanal, Foz do Iguacu, Chapada Diamantina, and the Amazon Rainforest.
Birdwatching binoculars - if your trip is centred around wildlife spotting or birdwatching, investing in a small travel-sized binoculars can help you spot even easy to miss birds and animals that don't want to be seen (get some).
Recommended for visiting the Pantanal, Rio de Janeiro, Chapada Diamantina, and the Amazon Rainforest.
Waterproof phone case - a waterproof phone case is a great buy if you're hiking and might get stuck in the rain. It's also ideal if you're visiting Foz do Iguacu, where the spray from the falls can soak you.
Recommended for visiting Foz do Iguacu, Chapada Diamantina, and the Amazon Rainforest.
Things to pack for Carnival
See my full Carnival packing list
Costumes: Lightweight, breathable clothing, anything shiny or with sequins, and the more multi-coloured the better. Don't forget comfy footwear for dancing all day in blocos.
Money Belt - Carry your fun fanny-pack to carry glitter and other bits and pieces, together with a hidden money belt to hide your phone and money under your clothes.
Accessories: Fun wigs, glitter, face paint, headbands, sunglasses, or anything else bright and colourful.
What can I not bring to Brazil?
Expensive jewelry - It's best to leave your expensive jewelry at home. In the cities, you don't want to wear expensive jewelry due to the risk of theft, and in general, in smaller towns where people dress more casually or in beach attire, you'll just stand out.
Foreign cash - If you plan to bring cash to exchange in Brazil, don't. Currency exchange offices offer pretty low rates - you'll typically get a better rate taking money out of the ATM (see how).
Your all black wardrobe - Brazilian fashion is typically pretty colourful, especially if you are travelling around the coastal areas, though black may be slightly more acceptable in Sao Paulo.
What was the most useful travel essential you brought to Brazil? Let me know in the comments below.