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12 easy Portuguese phrases to learn before you arrive in Brazil

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Planning a trip to Brazil? Whether you’re exploring the streets of Rio de Janeiro or soaking up the sun in Bahia, knowing a few key phrases in Portuguese can go a long way. While English is spoken in some more tourist areas, in general, it is not widely spoken. In fact, the percentage of Brazilians that speak English is just 5%.

Learning a few phrases in Portuguese, the official language of Brazil, can help you connect more deeply with the people you meet and enrich your travel experience.

Ready to plan your trip? > Find cheap accommodation for your stay in Brazil > Find cheap bus tickets to Rio de Janeiro

Here are my top 12 phrases easy Portuguese phrases to learn before you arrive:

1. Olá / Oi

Meaning: Hello / Hi

Starting your interactions with a warm greeting sets a friendly tone. "Olá" is more formal, while "Oi" is casual and commonly used among friends and peers.

2. Bom Dia / Boa Tarde / Boa Noite

Meaning: Good Morning / Good Afternoon / Good Night

Depending on the time of day, these an easy greetings are a polite way to say both hello and goodbye.

3. Tudo bem? Tudo bem!

Meaning: Is everything okay? Yes, everything is ok

This one is easy to remember - as "tudo bem" is both the question and the answer. Brazilians value personal connections, so expect to hear this phrase often in daily interactions.

4. Por favor

Meaning: Please

Politeness goes a long way in Brazil. Whether you're ordering at a restaurant, asking for directions, or making a request, adding "por favor" shows respect.

5. Obrigado (if you identify as male) / Obrigada (if you identify as female)

Meaning: Thank you

Expressing gratitude is universal, and Brazilians appreciate when visitors make an effort to say "obrigado" or "obrigada."

6. Com licença

Meaning: Excuse me

Use "com licença" to get someone's attention, to ask someone to move aside politely, or to navigate through crowded places like markets or public transportation.

7. Quanto custa?

Meaning: How much does it cost?

Essential for shopping and negotiating prices. Knowing how to ask "quanto custa?" ensures you're informed and can make informed decisions while shopping.

8. Onde fica...?

Meaning: Where is...?

Use "onde fica" followed by the name of a location, such as a landmark, hotel, or restaurant, to ask for directions. Most importantly, "onde fica o baneiro?" - where is the bathroom?!

9. Eu não entendo / Não falo português

Meaning: I don’t understand / I don’t speak Portuguese

If you find yourself struggling to communicate, these phrases can help. Most Brazilians appreciate the effort and may switch to English or find other ways to assist you.

10. Tchau / até mais!

Meaning: Goodbye / see you later!

Whether you’re leaving a shop, restaurant, or new friends you’ve made during your trip, saying "tchau" is a polite way to bid farewell. Or say "até mais" if you're planning to see your new friends again soon.

11. Vamos embora! 

Meaning: Let’s go!

Use this phrase to rally your travel companions to head to your next destination.

12. Legal! 

Meaning: Cool / Nice

Brazilians often use "legal" to express excitement or agreement. Try it out next time someone shows you something impressive.

Cultural Tips for Using Portuguese Phrases:

  • Speak with Confidence: Even if your Portuguese isn’t perfect, locals appreciate the effort. Don’t be afraid to try out the phrases you’ve learned.

  • Use Gestures: Brazilians are expressive communicators and often use hand gestures to accompany speech. Pay attention to non-verbal cues to enhance your understanding.

  • Learn Local Variations: Portuguese in Brazil has regional variations in vocabulary and pronunciation. Embrace these differences as you travel through different states.

Where to Practice Portuguese:

  • Language Apps: Use apps like Duolingo, Babbel, or one of the many others available to practice basic phrases and improve your pronunciation.

  • Language Classes: Consider taking a Portuguese class before your trip or enroll in local classes once you arrive in Brazil.

  • Conversation Partners: Engage with locals, hotel staff, or tour guides to practice your Portuguese and learn more about Brazilian culture firsthand.

Learning these essential Portuguese phrases will not only help you navigate Brazil more comfortably but also deepen your cultural immersion. Brazilians are known for their warmth and hospitality, and speaking their language shows your respect and interest in their country. So, before you pack your bags for your Brazilian adventure, take some time to practice these phrases—they’ll serve you well.

Obrigado(a) and boa viagem (thank you and have a great trip)!

Need a great Brazilian Portuguese teacher before your trip to Brazil? Contact Alexia to schedule a free trial!


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